Recipe for Shamrock Shake Cupcakes with Chocolate Amaretto Filling
  • Version 1.2
  • Download 41
  • File Size 655.29 KB
  • Create Date August 6, 2018

A few years ago around St. Patrick's Day, I experimented with a frosting recipe to replicate the flavor of the popular/seasonal Shamrock Shake.  I made a couple dozen cupcakes, spiked them with a chocolate/amaretto liquor center, and brought them to work. Unexpectedly, a colleague very much enjoyed the recipe.  He would frequently remind me that his wife needed the recipe over the months (years), so that she could make him more. 

The problem was, this was something I just threw together.  I didn't have written recipes to pull from, nor do I exactly remember the measurements I used.  I typically just work it out as I go along.  In order to create a recipe that someone else could reproduce, I would need to start from the beginning, and write EVERYTHING down as a went.

So I procrastinated. 3 years.  This was partially due to the ambitious kitchen remodel that I started.  About a year ago, I took a week off work and finally finished the kitchen ...

This weekend, I decided to tackle this recipe, still on my "to do" list.  I also made a 100% gluten free option in the process so that no-one at work would be left out. 

Between the gluten free and non-gluten free options, there are significant deviations between the cake recipes.  You cannot simply substitute gluten free flour for standard flour.  The moisture content and chemistry between the two are vastly different.  In order to get gluten free cake that tastes just like normal cake, you need to swap some fat and water content to make it work.  Between these two recipes, the only noticeable difference in the finished product is that the gluten free version is a tad more dense than the non-gluten free version, which is very light and airy.  If you don't like light and airy, then go with the gluten free version!

I hope this creation isn't overly complicated and intimidating.  It's actually quite simple to reproduce, if you just follow the steps exactly.  As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me here.  I answer (usually) within 24 hrs.